Shotgun Range

The cleanest ranges and the friendliest staff.  We count with 11 trap fields and 9 Skeet fields, all with lights for night shooting. We additionally offer Bunker Trap Fields.


Do you enjoy Trapshooting and Skeet shooting? Then come shoot at Gateway! We have 9 combinations of Trap and Skeet fields, along with 2 more stand-alone Trap fields, out of our 11 shotgun fields:

Wobble Trap We have 8 fields are equipped with machines capable of throwing Wobble Trap
Trap Doubles All trap fields are capable of throwing Trap Doubles
International Skeet We offer International Skeet (available upon request)
Seasonal Shooting Please call for information.
Voice Activation All of our Skeet fields can be equipped with a voice activated auto puller if you are wanting to practice by yourself. Pretty cool right?
Pat Trap All of our Trap and Skeet ​fields use Pat Trap machines
Voice Release Systems All of our Trap fields are equipped with voice release systems